Tuesday, July 17, 2007


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Two members of Combatants for Peace have come to Southern California to share their compelling stories and vision for peace in Palestine.

“Combatants for Peace” was conceived through a process of clandestine meetings in 2005 between a number of Israeli military refusers and Palestinian former fighters. Initial meetings took place after 13 elite commandos and 27 pilots in the Israel Defense Force (IDF) sent letters directly to former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, asserting their refusal to “give [their] hands to the oppressive reign in the territories and the denial of human rights to millions of Palestinians.” The group went public in April 2006 and their membership now includes nearly 200 Israeli military refusers and former Palestinian fighters, including women, who have come together to find a non-violent path to peace.

One of our guests is Shimon Katz who served four years in an elite counter-terror unit of the Israeli Defense Forces. The other is Raed Hadar, a Palestinian from the West Bank who had been involved in Fatah activities resisting the occupation. Now Shimon and Raed are fighting on the same side, using their compelling stories as their new weapons of choice to raise human rights awareness and bring peace to Palestine. Information, news and videos about Combatants for Peace can be found on their Web site at www.combatantsforpeace.org.

Saturday's event is co-sponsored by Global Voices for Justice, the Long Beach Area Peace Network, and the Board of Outreach & Social Justice—First Congregational Church of Long Beach. Global Voices for Justice is a non-profit, independent media organization committed to making the voices of today's most progressive thinkers widely accessible. They are based in Long Beach, California and will be filming Saturday's event.

The evening will open with an upbeat Middle Eastern style musical performance by Leanna & Karma 101 with Dave Williams. Rev. Jerry Stinson will share a few words about his recent trip to Palestine, and then Shimon and Raed will speak about their experiences and struggles, followed by a Q&A discussion.

For more information or questions, contact Jeanne Kyle of Global Voices for Justice at 714-357-5424.

90.7 FM KPFK in Los Angeles is the media sponsor.
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