Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Report-back from AMARC9 . . .
and Fundraiser for Iran Dialogue Project

Join us on
December 2nd, 6:00 p.m.
at the Los Angeles Peace Center
Mansoor Sabbagh of Global Voices for Justice and Elizabeth Robinson of 91.9 FM KCSB in Santa Barbara will share audio clips, images and their experiences from the international community radio conference in Amman, Jordan which took place November 11-17, 2006.

ALSO, SPECIAL GUESTS: Dr. Sarah Forth with photos and experiences from her recent trip to Iran, and
Nezam Manouchehri, Iranian cultural filmmaker (“Letters from Iran” and “A World Between”).

That's Saturday, December 2nd
from 6-9pm at the Peace Center

8124 West Third Street, Los Angeles, California 90048
Refreshments provided.
For more information call 714.357.5424

The U.S./Iran Peace-building Dialogue Project is a multi-media, joint venture with independent filmmakers, academics, and journalists to travel to Iran and interview a cross-section of people from across their beautiful country. We will bring back images and voices in documentary form as well as a series of radio programs and multi-media presentations to give Americans a virtual cultural experience and, for many, an introduction to Iran, its people and culture.

Pending Visa approval, our plans are to travel to Iran in January 2007, allowing us time to more fully develop our project and locate additional funding.

In contrast to the images presented by governments and media, and despite our cultural differences, Iranian and American people share very similar core values. The Project Team will interview people from all sectors of Iranian and American society and initiate an ongoing dialogue project. Bringing the images and voices of real people to one another reduces gaps in knowledge and perception and dispels misconceptions and stereotypes. Through sharing these interviews and establishing an ongoing dialogue, we hope to nurture a deeper understanding between the people of the U.S. and Iran, and encourage diplomatic conflict resolution to lessen the chances of military intervention.

We plan to share our presentation and findings with a large segment of society through a three-tiered process:
1) nationwide radio and television broadcasts;
2) on-site presentations at school campuses, religious, community and cultural centers across the country; and
3) donation of materials and findings to libraries, schools, and members of Congress.

The Project Team will produce a documentary as well as a series of radio programs. Presentations will include a combination of film, audio-visuals, and local items to create a virtual cultural experience for audience participants. A key feature of the project is the long-term commitment to ongoing programs via the internet, establishing pen-pal and sister-city programs based on the participation of volunteers. By beginning at a grass-roots level, we hope the promotion of knowledge will build a foundation of understanding across the population that will “trickle up” to those who implement our foreign policies, fostering more respect and diplomacy in the approach taken to conflict resolution.

AWARE in Long Beach is a partner with GVFJ, based in Long Beach, California. Our mission is to make the voices of today’s progressive thinkers widely accessible—both locally and globally. GVFJ is an independent media collective that has been working closely with Pacifica Radio (90.7 FM KPFK in Los Angeles) for four years and has accumulated a significant archive of audio recordings, including talks by Chalmers Johnson, Howard Zinn, Norman Finkelstein, Ilan Pappe, Dahr Jamail, and many more (visit

The goal of GVFJ in taking on this project is to create a sense of community and understanding between Americans and Iranians with limited access to information about each others’ lives or the foreign policies affecting our two countries. It is critical to bridge this information gap in order to promote peace and dispel stereotypes and propaganda that contribute to breakdowns in conflict resolution capabilities.

GVFJ projects are in affiliation with the International Humanities Center, a nonprofit public charity exempt from federal income tax under Section 501[c](3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations to GVFJ are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law (for more information, visit Checks can be made payable to GVFJ/IHC, and credit card charges will reflect payment to IHCenter.

Think about bringing conversations from Iran to people across America . . . .
Think of the opportunity for promoting peace! Does this sound like a project you’d like to be a part of? Would you be willing to become a Sponsor of the U.S./Iran Peace-building Dialogue Project? All donations are tax-deductible, and GVFJ will be happy to provide you with project income/expense statement copies at your request.

There are several ways you can participate in this project:

1) Make a one-time tax-deductible donation
2) Be a continuing sponsor to support long-term project goals
3) Become a pen-pal to participate in cross-cultural dialogue
4) Work with your City Council to initiate a sister-city program with your home town and a city in Iran
5) Sponsor a presentation at a school, church, library or community center in your area

The cost to launch this project is estimated at $10,000, and support to finance completion and ongoing long-term goals is $4,000 per month. Only with the generous support and donations of visionaries can we make this happen.

Sponsors at these levels will be provided with a copy of the integrated audio-visual presentation with special thanks credited at the end, and your choice of two printed photographs from our trip to Iran:
• $5000 one-time donation
• $500 per month for 10 months of sponsorship
• $250 per month for 20 months of sponsorship

Sponsors at these levels will be provided with a copy of the integrated audio-visual presentation
• $1000 one-time donation
• $100 per month for 10 months of sponsorship
• $50 per month for 20 months of sponsorship

Other premiums including copies of the radio programs and documentary will be made available as produced for other various levels of support.

For a more detailed description of the U.S./Iran Peace-building Dialogue Project, email and request a PDF copy of the proposal (14 pages).
For questions regarding sponsorship, please call 714.357.5424.


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